Reading Book
Realistic-texture by J.D Hilberry
North Light Books, 1999 - Art - 128 pages
This book by J.D. Hillberry raises the same wonderment I felt then - What is it about pencil drawings that makes them so innately appealing? Is it the humbleness of the medium? The faint sense of nostalgia? The purity of line and value? Whatever it is, J.D.'s remarkable drawings make the most of it. This book will open your eyes to the exciting textural possibilities of the medium. You won't believe the incredible drawings you can create using pencil and the special techniques illustrated in this book ... techniques so easy that anyone - from doodler to advanced artist - can begin exploring immediately!
Some of the techniques in this book are helpful for beginners who want to draw more challenging textures, but the descriptions of executing the techniques were not thorough enough to me. I would still recommend it to adult students who wanted some sort of reference book for how to draw textures like metal, wood, etc. 
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